At City Centre Church, YOU FIT IN!
No matter what your FANNY PACK looks like - there is a function for your FANNY to FIT.
No matter what your FANNY PACK looks like - there is a function for your FANNY to FIT.
Finding out where or how to fit can be difficult so we have formed 5 ways in which you can locate yourself and where you believe you could fit your fanny at City Centre Church.
It is not helpful to try and fit someone where they are not wanting, not called or not qualified to fit. By finding the fit, it helps bring undestanding, define expectations and allow everyone to FIT IN.
The church is referred to as a house throughout Scripture (Luke 19:46, Is. 56:7 & Psalm 27:4) and so we have used the analogy of a house in determining the functions.
These functions are not a way to RATE people, they are a way to FIT people.
THE 5 FUNCTIONS: (each fit has the previous functions responsibilites and benefits)
Observational - guests in the house:
-Visit the church on occasion
-Watch online but don’t comment or connect
-Have a place to meet new people
-Experience what CCChurch is all about
-Can learn about how God can help with their lives
Parallel Example: Guests coming to your house for supper. They don’t have to make supper, they don’t have to clean the dishes, they don’t have to buy the food. They get to just come and eat, be filled and have all the benefits of a good meal.
Decorational - willing to attend CCChurch:
-Come to Sunday services at least once a month or come to group at least once a month
-Engagement in church is event based
-Get a place to develop gifts
-Get the benefit of the community
-Will begin to build relationships with those in the church
Parallel Example: The pieces in your house that are not necessary but add to the beauty of the house. IE. The lamp, the pictures on the wall, the flowers in the porch, the throw rug on the floor, the candles in the bathroom, the paint on the walls, etc.
Formal - have a specific role or purpose
-Call CCChurch their church home
-Attend Sunday service or Tuesday service at minimum 2 times per month
-Start contributing, serving, engaging in the church consistently (committed to be on the team schedule in one area of engagement).
-Begin to give money and time to support
-Start to join in with relational/spiritual accountability
-Become a part of a family
-Be a part of engaged team meetings
-Some mic opportunities (testimonies, pray, etc)
Parallel Example: These are things in the house that without which, the house would not function as it should and would struggle to fulfill its role. IE. The light switches, kitchen table & chairs, mirrors, core furniture, bed, toilet 😊, etc.
Structural - Can be relied on to support what is happening. (Would fit with what the Bible refers to as deacons).
-Be present at leadership meetings and training sessions
-Tithing/Giving is a regular part of their practice
-Regular church attendance on Sundays and groups
-Believe they are called to CITY CENTRE CHURCH and the mission
-They have prioritized being the church and Going
-Producing others like them
-Taking partial ownership (language begins to reflect this BUY-IN)
-Further relational/spiritual accountability
- Can oversee departments
-2nd level vision input (voice at the table, events, planning, etc. You move from being at the meetings to having a voice in the meetings)
-Some stage positions (announce, offering, worship leader, prayer leader, guest speaker, etc).
-Can be a group leader
Parallel Example: This is the framework for the house and what really helps make it function. IE. The framing, the plumbing, the support beams, the subfloor, the wiring, the insulation, etc.
Foundational - believe their ministry/calling is a part of the 5-fold equipping team in a church (often would be elders in the church).
-Believe that their calling and CCC’s are interconnected
-Prioritize the mission of the church
-If something is happening at the church, will do everything they can to be there and be a main leader in making it happen
-Take ownership for what CCC is called to do (Equal part in problem solving).
-Key places of leadership
-A part of the vision team
-Prominence on stage (preaching, announce, offering, worship leading)
-Gives you full access to what happens at the table. (Listening and talking)
Parallel Example: This is what allows the house to be built and creates a stable base for everything the house will provide.
-Visit the church on occasion
-Watch online but don’t comment or connect
-Have a place to meet new people
-Experience what CCChurch is all about
-Can learn about how God can help with their lives
Parallel Example: Guests coming to your house for supper. They don’t have to make supper, they don’t have to clean the dishes, they don’t have to buy the food. They get to just come and eat, be filled and have all the benefits of a good meal.
Decorational - willing to attend CCChurch:
-Come to Sunday services at least once a month or come to group at least once a month
-Engagement in church is event based
-Get a place to develop gifts
-Get the benefit of the community
-Will begin to build relationships with those in the church
Parallel Example: The pieces in your house that are not necessary but add to the beauty of the house. IE. The lamp, the pictures on the wall, the flowers in the porch, the throw rug on the floor, the candles in the bathroom, the paint on the walls, etc.
Formal - have a specific role or purpose
-Call CCChurch their church home
-Attend Sunday service or Tuesday service at minimum 2 times per month
-Start contributing, serving, engaging in the church consistently (committed to be on the team schedule in one area of engagement).
-Begin to give money and time to support
-Start to join in with relational/spiritual accountability
- communicate what is going on in their lives
-Become a part of a family
-Be a part of engaged team meetings
-Some mic opportunities (testimonies, pray, etc)
Parallel Example: These are things in the house that without which, the house would not function as it should and would struggle to fulfill its role. IE. The light switches, kitchen table & chairs, mirrors, core furniture, bed, toilet 😊, etc.
Structural - Can be relied on to support what is happening. (Would fit with what the Bible refers to as deacons).
-Be present at leadership meetings and training sessions
-Tithing/Giving is a regular part of their practice
-Regular church attendance on Sundays and groups
-Believe they are called to CITY CENTRE CHURCH and the mission
-They have prioritized being the church and Going
-Producing others like them
-Taking partial ownership (language begins to reflect this BUY-IN)
-Further relational/spiritual accountability
- Ask for input into what is going on in their lives
- Can oversee departments
-2nd level vision input (voice at the table, events, planning, etc. You move from being at the meetings to having a voice in the meetings)
-Some stage positions (announce, offering, worship leader, prayer leader, guest speaker, etc).
-Can be a group leader
- Able to speak on behalf of the church on matters. (Counselling, pastoral care, etc)
Parallel Example: This is the framework for the house and what really helps make it function. IE. The framing, the plumbing, the support beams, the subfloor, the wiring, the insulation, etc.
Foundational - believe their ministry/calling is a part of the 5-fold equipping team in a church (often would be elders in the church).
-Believe that their calling and CCC’s are interconnected
- In order for them to do ministry (what God has called them to do), CCC must be able to do theirs
-Prioritize the mission of the church
-If something is happening at the church, will do everything they can to be there and be a main leader in making it happen
-Take ownership for what CCC is called to do (Equal part in problem solving).
- It is no longer just the pastor's "problem", it is their “problem”
- Willing to be open and transparent with what is going on in their lives and submit to council in their lives
-Key places of leadership
-A part of the vision team
-Prominence on stage (preaching, announce, offering, worship leading)
-Gives you full access to what happens at the table. (Listening and talking)
Parallel Example: This is what allows the house to be built and creates a stable base for everything the house will provide.
Please let us know which function you believe you FIT IN at CCChurch.