Meta is more than just a cliche word you hear mentioned today. It is more than just an experience offered on social media. It is the Greek word for "after" or "beyond" and symbolizes the idea of reaching into the future to see what is happening after or beyond what we see or feel is happening today.
Vasi is the Greek word for "base" and is in reference to the foundation or base of something which has been laid.
When combined, Metavasi is translated "Transition" and symbolizes the shifting of times and seasons that happen within ones life.
Metavasi22 is not just a conference CELEBRATING 20 years of building the base at City Centre Church.
It is an eager ANTICIPATION of what it to come in the next 20 years.
The BASE has been laid, now is the time to transition to what is BEYOND.
Vasi is the Greek word for "base" and is in reference to the foundation or base of something which has been laid.
When combined, Metavasi is translated "Transition" and symbolizes the shifting of times and seasons that happen within ones life.
Metavasi22 is not just a conference CELEBRATING 20 years of building the base at City Centre Church.
It is an eager ANTICIPATION of what it to come in the next 20 years.
The BASE has been laid, now is the time to transition to what is BEYOND.
Saturday, Sept. 17th @ 7pm*
Evening Session - Pastor David McGrew
Sunday, Sept. 18th @ 10:30am
Morning Session - Pastor Derek Melnychuk
Sunday, Sept. 18th/ Monday Sept. 19th/ Tuesday, Sept. 20th @ 7pm*
Evenings Sessions with Pastor Duane White
*Children's ministry will be available in the evening sessions for up 10 years old. Please give us their information below so we can plan for them.